Navigating Life with Percosivism: Meaning and Key Principles

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By taahtaha43

Percosivism is a new way of thinking that focuses on being curious, open-minded, and finding meaning in life. Let’s explore the main ideas of percosivism.

What is Percosivism?

The word “percosivism” combines “perceive”, “cosmos”, and “activism”. It is about seeing the world clearly in order to take helpful action.

Percosivism says we can reduce suffering by really understanding life. This allows us to make wise choices, with care for others.

The 3 Main Principles

Percosivism is based on three key principles:

  • Curiosity – Being eager to learn, asking questions
  • Openness – Accepting different views with understanding
  • Meaning – Seeking purpose, growth, and making a difference

These pillars provide a framework for fulfillment.

1.Being Curious

Curiosity is very important in percosivism. It means approaching life with an inquiring mindset. Here are some ways to be more curious:

Asking Good Questions

Asking thoughtful questions lets us explore any topic deeply. Good questions challenge assumptions and reveal new insights.

Staying Humble

Accepting we don’t know everything allows us to grow. Letting go of pride makes space for new perspectives.

Trying New Experiences

Seeking novel experiences exercises our curiosity. Pushing past our comfort zones expands our thinking.

2.Practicing Openness

Openness means welcoming diverse viewpoints and considering them with care. This requires:

Listening Closely

Focus intently on others, without judging, to grasp what they are saying.

Finding Common Hopes

Look for shared dreams and values, even amidst differences. This connects people.

Sitting with Uncertainty

Be willing to accept the unknown and complex. Avoid jumping to simplistic conclusions.

3.Discovering Meaning

A key percosivism teaching is that a meaningful life comes from purpose, growth, and making a positive impact:

Clarifying Your Purpose

Take time for self-reflection to understand what provides you meaning and direction.

Growing as a Person

Challenge yourself to learn, improve, and achieve your potential. Growth enhances meaning.

Contributing to Others

Look for ways, big and small, to positively affect other people and the planet.

Applying Percosivism

Putting percosivism into practice means translating it into concrete actions:
In Relationships

Listen attentively, be caring, and discuss differences in a constructive way.
In School

Stay open to new approaches and maintain a growth mindset. Delight in learning.
In Tough Time
Respond deftly to suffering by investigating its causes. Search for meaning amidst challenges.
In Nature
Appreciate the interconnectedness of all life. Treat the environment with attention.


Percosivism offers a thoughtful method to find meaning in today’s complex world. By living curiously, simply, and purposefully, we can reduce suffering. Percosivism gives philosophical instruments to deepen our grasp of life and better engage in caring activism. Practicing its principles allows us to lead richer, happier lives, and construct a fairer society. Percosivism is worth exploring more for anyone pursuing personal and collective growth. With an inquiring mind and open heart, we can all benefit from its wisdom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about percosivism:

Where did percosivism originate?

Percosivism was first described in 2022 by philosophers Trent McBride and Devon Whitaker. It builds on existentialist and humanistic traditions.

Is percosivism a religion?

No, percosivism is a non-religious life philosophy. It does not worship any god or supernatural force.

How does percosivism differ from other philosophies?

Unlike nihilism, percosivism finds life meaningful. Unlike rigid ideologies, percosivism recognizes diverse perspectives. It also stresses compassion more than objectivist views.

How does percosivism suggest dealing with harmful behavior?

With open and calm discussion aimed at understanding root causes. Punishment is seen as less effective than rehabilitation.

Does percosivism imply ethical relativism?

No, actions are judged by how much they decrease suffering and bring more care into the world. Some behaviors can objectively harm this goal.

What are the main benefits of percosivism?

It provides a framework to lead a more purposeful, growth-focused, and socially-aware life. It can increase fulfillment.

How can I learn more about percosivism?

Read introductory texts like McBride’s “Living Openly” and Whitaker’s “Inquiring Mind”. Also join online groups to discuss real-life applications.

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